Monday, July 27, 2009

Three Ways to Get More Twitter Followers

So you've jumped on the Twitter bandwagon and you know the difference between a Tweet and a #hashtag. Now you just need followers. Here are three ways to ensure that you get faithful followers who are interested in what you have to say:

1) Post regular updates to Twitter, but not too many. Some suggest that two to four updates per day is sufficient. To me, it depends on your purpose for tweeting. If you are a news organization, for example, regular updates are expected. If you are updating your status while on vacation, one or two a day should do it.

2) Interact with other Twitter users. Twitter is popular because it connects people to each other. It isn't just about what we as individuals have to say; it is also about contributing to other conversations and replying to popular threads or trending topics. It also means participating in Follow Friday (#FF) and Music Monday (#musicmonday).

3) Offer useful content. If you are constantly selling your products or services via Twitter, people will get tired of your updates unless you offer something else advice, links to interesting articles., etc. Post links to helpful articles, breaking news and pithy quotes in addition to your own updates.

By using these three techniques, your number of Twitter followers will grow and you'll not only receive interesting updates from interested followers but you'll grow your own online community. Happy Tweeting!

Virtually Yourz,
Dana Neuts

Follow me on Twitter: VirtuallyYourz
Find me on Facebook, Biznik and LinkedIn

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