Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Five Quick & Easy Social Media Marketing Tips

If you haven't already embraced the social media, consider adding it to your marketing toolbox to expand your online reach.

1) Facebook: Create a profile, invite colleagues and clients to join, and make regular posts and updates. This tool is easy to setup and use and is much more professional than sites like MySpace.

2) Twitter: If you are a fan of Facebook, you'll love Twitter where you can post frequent but brief "tweets" that will automatically be sent to your list of followers.

3) Blogging: Create a free blog to reach out to prospective clients. Add blogs 2 - 3 times per week. Make them interesting and visually appealing.

4) Biznik: I love this fun networking site which not only promotes online networking but face-to-face networking as well - a nice change of pace!

5) Linked In: This professional networking site is a great way to connect with colleagues. In particular, I love the Q&A section where you can get and give free advice. It's a wonderful brainstorming tool.

Virtually Yourz,
Dana Blozis

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